Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How it all came about...

I always knew that I wanted to Study Abroad somewhere. Never knew exactly where. There were many things that were stopping me from fulfilling this goal of mine. It was not till one day when speaking to my line sister Melanie that it hit me. This was the last opportunity that I will have to study abroad.

It was during study hours were she began talking to me about the best experience she had in her life. She studied abroad last summer and she knew that going abroad would be a benefit for me. I was excited to learn about what this experience could do to me. Therefore, I asked questions and she helped me find programs for the summer of 2011.

My decision was to apply to the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom because it was a place where many did not go study. Everyone I knew decided to go to Italy or France, but I wanted something out of the norm. Therefore the UK was where I would be going.

 I will be spending my next 2 months here!

I NEVER thought that I would be doing this. I did not tell my parents that I got into the program right away. I waited a month because I did not know what their reaction was going to be. Of course they disagreed, as well as other individuals, but I knew that I was doing this for me and that I was never going to have an opportunity like this again. So I went for it.