Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Riots in London just part of the adventure. Italy for a weekend.

RIOTS!!! Yes, there is some riots going on in London. Thank god I am about an hour and a half away from it. Even though it ruined some of my traveling plans I will still enjoy myself. As you know I recently had a trip to Italy. Well how can I begin this. I decided to take a trip to Italy because that has been one of the places that I have been wanting to go since I was a kid. I had an opportunity to go this summer and the best part was that I was able to experience it with the most amazing friends. I spent five days in Italy. I left England on July 28 and landed only 2 hours later in Pisa, Italy. When arriving to the airport it was a culture shock because I knew no Italian and everyone around me was speaking it. Thank god the guy at the ticket booth understood English.

Even though the girls gave me clear instructions I failed  on following them lol. I forgot to ask the man what platform I was in. I met some people waiting for the train as well to head to Florence and they knew what they were doing so I just followed them. I got to Florence and I was nervous but excited at the same time to see the girls. I  remember spotting a purple and pink jacket and I immediately knew it was Marta. I had made it to Florence without getting lost. The girls gave me a small tour of Florence as we walked to their apartment.

Andrea and Eli came to visit me at Martas yey! They stayed all week there just for me :) The instant they got into the door what does Andrea tell me "Get ready we are going out" lol... We went out and she bought me the most gross drink that I have ever had in my life. Thanks Andrea for the drink and for making me drink it too fast. lol We were at the place for not a long time due to the fact that we all just wanted time to talk. We talked all night which was cool. On Saturday Andrea, Eli, and Virginia had class in the morning so Marta took me around Florence. I had my own personal tour guides. I had some Gelato with Marta. It was the first time having it and I loved it. I think I had Gelato a few times that weekend :) After the girls got out Marta went to class and I went with the girls to get more Gelato. Andrea and Eli left to get ready for the dinner we were going to have that night and to go out. I stayed with Virginia, Jackie, and Betsy and we got cake for Andreas birthday and went to go buy stuff to make food. I made Guacamole and these girls devoured it. I felt like I was home and I finally had a decent meal thanks to the girls. They cooked amazing food. I ate so much!!! I took advantage because I sure do not get this type of food in England.

We went out that night and I had an amazing time hanging out with all the girls. Had a nice talk with Andrea and totally loved spending time with my LS Marta. Of course there had to be one thing that ruined the night. GUYS in Italy are like dogs not all but some are. Totally would not leave us alone, but overall I had a great night. The next morning we decided to go to the beach. Going to the beach that we wanted to go FAILED we took the wrong train, but ended up near a beach that was BEAUTIFUL!!!!! It was the first time experiencing such a beautiful sight. The ocean was BLUE! CLEAR! I could see myself in it. It was amazing we stayed there for most of the day and the headed back to Florence after. The dome was still open and Andrea came with me to go inside it. After we went back to the apartment and showered and got ready. Andrea took me out to have an Italian dinner. It was really good. 3 types of pasta, Pizza and Wine! It was really good.

The next day was ROME!!!!!! It was a really nice city not what I expected but I loved it. I went inside the Vatican, it was beautiful inside. I called my mom to tell her and she was glad that I went. At first she did not believe that I had actually went. Rome was an interesting experience. We did not spend a lot of time there but it was worth the trip.

Unfortunately, I got 33 mosquito bites and got an allergic reaction that made my foot swell up and the bites look very disturbing. I went to the doctor when I got back was not a very good week. Spent most of the time sleeping due to the medicine. It sucked!!! One night I just started crying and I did not know why. The medicine gave me a bunch of side effects, but I am all normal now.

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